Each notebook can be viewed in two ways. Clicking 'view' will display the notebook rendered as static html. Clicking 'Run' will launch the notebooks in our Jupyter Notebook server( jupyter.gplates.org), so that you can execute the code as is, or modify the code and execute to generate new output. The files on our Jupyter Notebook server are read-only - no changes are permanently saved, so any modifications are not preserved if the page is closed or reloaded. However, you can save the modified notebooks in various formats using the download option in the Jupyter Notebook menu.
The Jupyter Notebooks in this page use pyGPlates (GPlates Python Library) to access GPlates functionality. The pyGPlates library allows users to use GPlates in a programmatic way. The beta release revision 28 of pyGPlates is now available for download at http://www.gplates.org/download. The pyGPlates documentation can be found at http://www.gplates.org/docs/pygplates/ and tutorials are available at https://github.com/GPlates/pygplates-tutorials.
Contact the EarthByte Group for enquiries.
These online plate tectonic teaching resources are designed to explore (1) where earthquakes occur, (2) how the configuration of continents and plate boundaries has changed through time and (3) in where different sorts of mineral deposits occur in the context of plate boundaries. These online teaching resources are based on Jupyter Notebook which provides an interactive computational environment, in which one can combine code execution, rich text, mathematics, plots and rich media. For more details on the Jupyter Notebook, please see the Jupyter website.
Each notebook can be viewed in two ways. Clicking 'view' will display the notebook rendered as static html. Clicking 'Run' will launch the notebooks in our Jupyter Notebook server( jupyter.gplates.org), so that you can execute the code as is, or modify the code and execute to generate new output. The files on our Jupyter Notebook server are read-only - no changes are permanently saved, so any modifications are not preserved if the page is closed or reloaded. However, you can save the modified notebooks in various formats using the download option in the Jupyter Notebook menu.
The Jupyter Notebooks in this page use pyGPlates (GPlates Python Library) to access GPlates functionality. The pyGPlates library allows users to use GPlates in a programmatic way. The beta release revision 28 of pyGPlates is now available for download at http://www.gplates.org/download. The pyGPlates documentation can be found at http://www.gplates.org/docs/pygplates/ and tutorials are available at https://github.com/GPlates/pygplates-tutorials.
Contact EarthByte Group for enquiries
plate-tectonics-and-earthquakes.ipynb |
plate-tectonics-over-time.ipynb |
mineral-deposits-investigation.ipynb |